Pre-sales available now. Contact us for more information,
Pre-sales available now. Contact us for more information,
Signed in as:
These FAQ questions were submitted by prospective buyers in many cases or committed buyers. If you have a quesion, email info@gota.VIP for an answer. While the FAQ is long, it is worth reading and the latest additions are at the end.
Tell me about the owners or developers?
G.O.T.A - They are awesome of course! Tim has led the way on the project and has been working full-time on it for 3 years. Tim is a long time IT executive including multiple C level positions at public and private companies. Tim served in the Army for 6 years and is a disabled verteran. Tim started racing in 1997 after watching his step-father a long time racer compete at Road Atlanta. Despite being completely broke while watching his step father race Tim had big dreams "if I ever have some money, I am going to do this racing thing". That became true. Years later, and lots of cars and lots of burn barreling cash for racing Tim started to see garage condos popping up across the US at or near race tracks and this started the idea. Tim has over 125 race wins as a driver and team owner and most recently the owner of a 3 car TCR and GT4 endurance race team that had a ton of success and many wins and podiums. Tim has been factory supported multiple times.
Mystery man #2 - More to come soon, he is impressive!
What is this place???
G.O.T.A: Private personal garage, Autominium™, recreational warehouse space primarily for motorsports enthusiasts given the close proximity to Circuit Of The Americas™ . While we are not physically on the racetrack property, we are less than 200 feet across the street from LOT T, behind the grandstand at turn 1 and about 3/8 mile to the track entrance. Other uses for our units are RV and boat owners, karting teams, racing teams, other hobbyists and those that need additional storage space for their treasures in our private, double gated and secure complex.
What we are NOT?
G.O.T.A - we are NOT part of Circuit Of The Americas™
We ARE 2 developers that are long time racers, motorsports enthusiasts and wanted to build garage condos in the Austin area. With multiple race tracks from less than 5 minutes to a half day of driving and the large car scene in Austin - it just made sense. We must have been on the right "track" because now others are copying our model, decided to build their own, right down to some very minor details. We are so flattered. We were first and well you know "if you ain't first, you are last".
I heard about these garages condos - and that besides the very high price, the price to customize the unit like I want it for a man cave is hundreds of thousands of dollars??
G.O.T.A - WRONG COMPLEX. We have heard that also. There is another place that the cost to finish the unit is basically the same price as our entire unit cost! Dare to compare what is standard in our units versus the other guys - it doesn't compare. We don't have a big group of investors for our complex that we have to finacially satisfy nor do we have "teams of people employed on our project". We have kept our prices low despite how fancy our units are, probably too low :)
1. What is G.O.T.A and what is the A.O.A?
G.O.T.A: G.O.T.A = Garages of the Americas and A.O.A = Autominium™ Owners Association, a non-profit organization that manages the complex affairs on behalf of owners. Comprised of the declarants (developers) and unit owners initially, and then turned over to unit owner members, the board sets direction for the complex, manage affairs and maintenance fees, design approvals, plan events etc.
2. When will the units be ready and the standard available single units, what is included?
G.O.T.A: After a painstaking permit process :( our permit is now finally approved, nearly a year and a half later then we had expected. Our new target is to try to have our first buildings up by the F1™ race across the street. Phase 1 and Phase 2 buildings will be built first and at the same which is a big change of plans given the overwhelming interest in our complex. Now more than 2.5 years in the planning and permit process, we have had our groundbreaking ceremoney and are off to the races, pun intended.
3. Are you pre-selling units? And what is the pricing?
G.O.T.A: Absolutely pre-selling and we know early buyers want to be near the ChillOut member clubhouse. We have been sold out in Phase 1 and Phase 2 for more than a year, however due to some changes, and some units we were holding in reserve, we now have a few units available for pre-sale. With a fully refundable small deposit you can secure and pick an available unit now. Your deposit will be refundable up until your final contract is executed. Pricing: Contact us for pricing information. Pricing is on an escalated scale meaning units in Phase 1 and Phase 2 are much cheaper than Phase 3 and Phase 4 to reward earlly pre-buyers with the lowest pricing we will offer and allows them built in equity in the complex. More than HALF of Phase 3 is now pre-sold.
4. Can I finish out and customize my unit however I want to? What are some examples of what I can do, especially on the 2nd story mancave/womancave floor?
G.O.T.A: Yes within reason and must be to code and your plans for your unit approved by the Autominium™ Owners Association (A.O.A). Example of buildout ideas include a full bathroom with shower, 1/2 bath, living areas, office(s), kitchen, bar, game tables, theater room etc. Think MAN or WOMAN CAVE!
4b: Some other complexes make you pick from their design OR you can only customize your unit thru the developer. What about our complex?
G.O.T.A: The developers have decided to NOT customize units for buyers and let them shop this around on their own and get the best options and pricing they can for customization. The complex and A.O.A will also have an approved list of suppliers and contractors already vetted including those that have completed construction within the complex already that you can also have the list to talk to them on your own about your ideas and get your own pricing etc.
4c: Does that mean I can just have my cousin Eddie customize my units or I can do it myself?
G.O.T.A: No, not really, but some things yes. In the case of cousin Eddie, he would have to meet the criteria of the A.O.A to be an approved supplier/contractor and be added to the list. This would include verified insurance, bondable, licensed for the work he will be performing. In the case of you as the owner - there are some things you obviously can do yourself to customize your unit just as you would do things to your own home or vacation home that don't involve power, water, building mecanicals, or structure etc.
4d: The complex prices - they are reasonable versus some other complexes you have looked at, and the features are much nicer in terms of what you get for your money. Why is that?
G.O.T.A: We don't have a bunch of investors and wanted to provide a world class complex at an affordable, under maket price. We have visited 30 or so complexes across the US and seen some very cheaply built and minimal built out units at crazy prices. It is most common to buy a "white box shell" unit without even a 2nd story and buyers quickly find out how expensive it is just to add an electrical outlet when a white box has (4) total outlets (ours have 15 or 16 already). And 2nd stories - even a very small one starts at $40,000 and a stair case - $20-$35k. Other complexes often don't even finish or paint the walls or include AC/Heat or even a garage door opener, or windows. Thermal glass garage doors, thermal glass entry doors and (2) thermal windows are standard on all our units (try to even find that elsewhere). Our units are high end from the time you see it until you shut the lights off (actually they go off on their own) our touches are far beyond basic shell. All our 2nd stories are also 14' off the ground and our buildings are tall (#1 complaint across complexes by owners). This is so owners can install car lifts with any car "up", park any RV or any trailer under the upstairs floor and in the back of the unit. We also offer upstairs increasing ceiling height from 9+' - 13+' . Look at some garage condo features elsewhere and compare our standard offering, it's no joke and while you are at it, look at all the cramped car lifts at the front of units owners have to work around AND 7' ceilings upstairs :) And yes, other garage condo developers are hating us and our price point, sorry not sorry :O
4e: This is Texas, tell me more about the glass in the garage doors, entry door and windows on each unit.
G.O.TA: The garage door, the 3'x8' entry doors (standard not the hollow, non insulated metal doors you see on garages) and windows are fully thermal, double pane thermal glass, argon gas in the middle, low E soft coating and will be matte black. The garage doors and entry door glass will be white frosted look so nobody can see inside. The windows are high off the ground to allow exterior light into the unit, but the low E soft coating blocks 99 percent of UV heat. The windows glass inserts will have double sided grilles and be reflective so you can't really see in. So seeing cousin Eddie in his glory standing on the 2nd story rail won't be possible. Are any of these items cheap? Um no and all are custom for us. Go price even a 4x4 window, thermal double pane glass, argon gas, low E soft coating with reflective glass. When you can finally find a company that will make one, let us know how stunned you were at the price. Then for real giggles get a price on a 2'x12' or 2'x14' (width of your unit size garage door) one as well. For real fun times, try the 3'x8' tall door per our specs. You are all welcome :)
5. Can I live in my unit?
G.O.T.A: No you cannot live fulltime as a resident in your unit. While you as an owner will have 24/7 access to your unit, they are not for long term occupancy or to live in as a resident. However we have received preliminary approval for mixed use and we are considering constructing a full time residence building based on interest. If you would be interested in a full-time residence at our complex please send us an email at and let us know.
5b: Will STR (short term rental) or long term leasing of my unit be permitted?
G.O.T.A: STR - yes with some restrictions per Texas law that allows STR for commercially deeded property. Also your leasing guest(s) will have to abide by all A.O.A rules and regulations for the complex during their stay and you as the owner will be responsible for them doing so. The A.O.A documents have an entire section on this area. Contact us if you have question about this.
6. Can I run a business out of my unit?
G.O.T.A: This is very much a work in progress, but generally ys some businesses. In general the entire complex is a private member/owner only complex. However there may be some cases allowed that are harmonious to the complex. The A.O.A must approve all requests to run a businesses from your unit. In no case will any business be permitted that charges an access fee nor any kind of animal or pet condo, pet sitting business and a long list of other restricted/not going to happen businesses. Any retail business that needs to serve a walk-in public customer base is specifically not permitted. No business that wo You should not reserve a unit with intentions that haven't been discussed in advance. The A.O.A docs have a lengthly list of restricted uses and wil continue to add to this list. And yes, no disco's, porno studios, body shops, grow houses, delivery companies, restaurants, commerial kitchens or kids bouncey houses are allowed (all true stories). Questions?
7. Are there monthly maintenance fee's for my unit? An initiation fee? What about insurance?
G.O.T.A: Yes. Very similar to a fee-simple condo arrangement. Maintenance fees will be an assessment paid in monthly maintenance fee that will be managed by the Autominium™ Owners Association (A.O.A) board. These maintenance fees will cover all common shared areas, ful time clubhouse attendant, landscaping, exterior of the buildings, the gates and entrance, security cameras, lighting, the clubhouse and common amenities, and water and sewage for the entire complex. Also gigabit private inte Water and sewage cannot really be individually metered so we will have to keep an eye on this. Individual unit owners if using excess water may be assessed additional fees. Property/casualty insurance and liability insurance is maintained by the association as well. Each owner will be required to keep insurance on their unit contents at a minimum. Lastly, monthly maintenance fees will also include a contribution to a capital reserve fund and maintenance reserve/repair account.
7b: And what is that initation fee?
G.OT.A: A fancy way of saying a small fee that is deposited in the monthly maintenance account in arrears
8. Can I lease my whole unit out?
G.O.T.A: Yes - you own it. As mentioned above The A.O.A must approve all leases and tenants and if your tenant wants to run a business approve that as well.
8b: Can I lease individual car spaces out to other people for car storage?
G.O.T.A: No you may not. The idea of the complex is owners and members have access to the complex, not permitting people that are doing a partial rental or renting a space from an owner to have access to the complex. Contact the A.O.A if you have questions about this. If you rented 5 car spaces to people - all of them wouldn't have access to the facility and amenities and that wouldn't work.
9: Can I purchase a garage condo unit with a friend or a partnership?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course you may. Each garage condo unit may have (2) owners listed per unit or a business entity. There will be a primary contact and secondary contact in the case of 2 parties and the primary will be the responsible party in the eyes of the A.O.A.
10. Are the garage condos part of Circuit Of The Americas™ property?
G.O.T.A: No they are not. As noted elsewhere on this website multiple times, we are across the street from Circuit Of The Americas™ . Not on the property. We are a proud neighbor.
11. Can I re-sell my unit?
G.O.T.A: Absolutely. Some owners are going to customize their unit and they will be worth a lot of money on re-sale. Others may keep them like they are and still re-sell them as the prices in the complex rise and the construction of all phases is complete and no units are left for sale.
12. Is there financing available? Is there financing to outfit my unit(s)? What about owner financing?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course and G.O.T.A has indentified a preferred lender for you. They are R Bank - a local bank headquartered in the Austin area. They are very familiar with our complex and our plans as they are financing the build of the complex. R Bank will also offer build out/customization financing packages. Owner - maybe, ask.
12b: Will the developer offer a lease/purchase agreement on any units?
G.O.T.A: We would discuss this with you on a 1 year lease that converted to a purchase. Inquire if interested
13. Can I combine units to get bigger space? Will an RV, camper or trailer fit in my unit?
G.O.T.A: Yes you can combine for up to 45,000 square footage (plus 2nd story) and all units include 14' overhead garage doors that allow RV, camper and trailer heights. Even the 2nd stories will be 14' off the ground to allow clearance below of RV's, tall trailers and of course car lifts without the roof of the car up top hitting the ceiling.
14. Can I use the CHILLOUT clubhouse for a gathering, party, my kids birthday party? And who is CHILLOUT?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course owners will be able to reserve areas of the clubhouse via the clubhouse attendant/concierge. Phase 1 founding members get priority. ChillOut as in CHILLOUT SYSTEMS - driver cooling products. Check them out at CHILLOUT is a G.O.T.A complex sponsor and the clubhouse is named after them. So "CHILLOUT" at the clubhouse. We like it.
15. Can I have visitors and guests visit me at G.O.T.A?
G.O.T.A: Yes you may take guests with you into the complex and temporary access can be extended to visitors or guests. Your guests or visitors may NOT be on the property without the owner(s) present or use the ChillOut clubhouse amenities without the owner(s) present. Special cases can be worked out via the clubhouse attendant.
16. How do I plan my party or event at the clubhouse?
G.O.T.A: The Chillout clubhouse will have a full time teammate that handles that and other concierge services you you, the member owners.
16b: So if I want to have a kids birthday party in the clubhouse or a team meeting, company party, or poker game, how would that work and what is the cost?
G.O.T.A: Contact and coordinate through the clubhouse attendant. She will even help you order food, get catering, ballons, clown, snacks etc. The clubhouse attendant will plan the entire thing for you even. This is free of charge to reserve space but there may be a small cleaning fee to cleanup behind you and of course tipping your clubhouse attendent would be a nice thing to do! There are going to be about 10 areas that can be reserved.
16c: What if I wanted to reserve the entire clubhouse?
G.O.T.A: The A.O.A documents have a section about this. If 30%-100% of the clubhouse is reserved for an event there will be a reasonable charge paybable to the A.O.A that includes a clean behind fee.
17. Will there be someone on-site that can work on my car, prep it for a track day or race event? Is transport available to the track? What about racing supplies? Can I get CHILLOUT systems somewhere on-site?
G.O.T.A: Yes Chris Taylor Racing Services will be located on the property for all these needs as a full service provider on site within the complex, including transport and an on-site store for all your go-fast needs including ChillOut systems and G-LOC brakes, both complex sponsors. Chris will also offer discounts for members. In addition we encourage member owners to help each other of course!
18. Are sponsor opportunities available? Are there preferred vendors with discounts available?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course, both. If interested contact us. Also preferred vendors with discounts will be announced soon for epoxy flooring, garage cabinets, LED lighting, and car lifts. There will also be a preferred provider for insurance that offers a discount on your minimum insurance policy that will be required for your unit as well as track day insurance and other forms of insurance needs you may have, all discounted since you are a member owner.
19. Will there be models available to look at?
G.O.T.A: See STR informati above, yes you can. will be built out and finished, complete with preferred vendor supplied build out items and car lifts. We also have some owners that have been nice enough to offer to let us show their fancy customized units!
20. What technology will be in the complex and units as standard features?
G.O.T.A: App controlled garage door, AC/heat, (2) USB outlets, (2) WIFI/Alex outlets, app controlled LED lights and switches. The entry door will also have a fingerprint/keypad coded lock with app control and the ability to provide a code remotely. We are also going to have either keypad access or app controlled access to the entry gates, or both.
21. Will there be events at G.O.T.A?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course. Car shows, vendor showcases, track day events, food truck visits, meet ups and parties. There will be a lot of events and owners and vendors can sponsor or host events. on their own as well, inside the CHILLOUT Clubhouse or outside events.
22. How do I feel good about the security?
G.O.T.A: The entire property will be canvased in security cameras and tall, solid (can't see thru it) security fencing around the property. Everything and everyone coming and going will also be recorded and driving straight from the front gate into the complex straight to the back you will have been continously been recorded on 12 cameras start to finish. Complex camera view no matter where someone is in the complex grounds. The complex will also use A.I facial recognition and mulitple LPR (license plate recognition) cameras.
23. I saw a vacuum and air compressor area is in the plans. What else might evolve to be part of the complex?
G.O.T.A: We are going to let YOU the owners help decide what else the complex includes over time and how the A.O.A spends the maintenance fees and reserve fund. We want the complex to be world class and we hope you will be part of that evolution of what we haven't thought of yet.
23b: What about electric car chargers in the complex?
G.O.T.A: It goes against what we believe in :) but we have struck a deal to have at least 1 and likely 2 electric, kiosk (pay with credit card) car chargers near the vacuum/air station. of course you can install a charger in your unit as well and bill your friends and neighbors :)
24. Can I park my trailer inside my unit? Is outside trailer parking available?
G.O.T.A: Yes you can park your trailer inside your unit. Outside trailer parking we have some plans for this we are considering and while the complex is being planned out we are looking at this. Chris Taylor will also have some limited trailer parking available as well.
25. Is there a broker/agent that can handle my unit purchase or re-sell?
G.O.T.A: Yes. Mark Martin and Company is the exclusive broker and agent for Garages of the Americas. Mason Bleasdell is a member of Mark Martin and Company and is the agent for the complex.
26. If I didn't want to buy a unit, but I wanted to be a member of the complex to hang out with car enthusiasts, use the clubhouse and amenities etc. Is that possible?
G.O.T.A: We are considering memberships to belong to the cool kid club. If you have an interest in this let us know
27. Can I AirBNB my unit for big events at Circuit of the Americas or to other races for track days, SCCA, NASA etc.?
G.O.T.A: See STR information above, yes you can.
28. Why are your units so tall?
G.O.T.A: As mentioned above, so you don't have a 7' ceiling upstairs and you can actually put car lifts at full height at the back of your unit with even a SUV on them instead of only at the front near your garage door - awkward!
29. Will the A.O.A (Autominium™ Owners Association have an annual budget and since it is a non-profit does that mean 100% of the money will be spent within the complex?
G.O.T.A: Yes as a non-profit there will be an annual budget, managed by the A.O.A and published for the members fully transparent. All maintenance fees collected will be spent within the complex and the only planned reserves are some level of capital reserves to replace capital items against a schedule versus slamming assesments and a maintenance reserve fund. A schedule of capital replacement items will be constructed also. Examples are clubhouse furniture will eventually be replaced, paving, roofs and general maintenance performed like street sweeping and window cleaning etc.
30: If I put a deposit down to hold a unit I want, can I change my mind and back out? What if I decide I want to buy a different unit am I screwed?
G.O.T.A: Yes you CAN change your mind. Your deposit will be refundable up until your signed formal contract which will be 60-90 days before your unit is move in ready/close ready. And yes of course you can decide you want to put a deposit down on Unit X and then change your mind to take Unix Y (a bigger one hopefully) and as long as you aren't in your notification period should be fine and even then we may consider it.
31: I want to buy 2 units side by side with a friend and combine as a double unit. Is that possible?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course. We are going to build blocks of units out as move in ready. If you want to combine 2 units side by side as 1 buyer or with a friend we will need to know if you want the divider wall between your units. If you take units that are not yet finished out that will be easier and you have options of how to open up the side by side (or font to back) units. You can combine as many units as you want up to 45,000 square feet or just over an acre under a single roof :)
31. What if I wanted to put an entire large building say 10,000 square feet at the complex, is that possible?
G.O.T.A: It might indeed be possible to put a custom building, Send us an email at and let's chat about it. We have (2) buildings already planned for the complex.
32. The units, what does it mean units will have a floating 2nd story?
G.O.T.A: A floating story means no "posts" within your unit. The 2nd story will be supported by posts within the walls. Aesthetically and to maximize your floor space and your own unit design we believe pre-installing the 2nd story in an entire building makes sense. Look at some other complex photos - we are likely the first complex to pre-install 2nd stories that are floating and don't have awkward ugly posts inside your unit. You will see a lot of pictures of units with posts and stairs ruining the space and creating awkward door opening issues or cabinets etc.
33. How many units are planned in the complex??
G.O.T.A: At least 155 units in total.
34. I have looked around and your units are the bomb and what is included is quite nice versus for the price compared to what other complexes offer as standard features and geez some competitors are as much as more than twice the price for the same size unit.. Are you going to raise the prices on me while I am considering buying a unit?
G.O.T.A: First thank you, we think our complex is the bomb also! And not if you hurry :) Phase 1 and Phase 2 has been sold out for 1.5 years. By design our prices will escalate from phase 1 (lowest prices offered) to phase 2, phase 3, phase 4. So what are you waiting for? There is a refundable deposit to reserve a unit in case you change your mind. But why would you change your mind?
35: Can I come and visit the site and sales center soon?
G.O.T.A: Yes we have visitors almost every day M-F. If you want to visit during the weekend let us know and we will have someone there for you.
36. I saw somewhere there is going to be someone that works at the ChillOut clubhouse and does some concierge service and event planning etc. Tell me more.
G.O.T.A: Yes this is correct. We will have a full-time person that works at the Chillout clubhouse and will wear multiple hats. We have selected someone for this already - if you were at the groundbreaking ceremony you met her likely. While the complex is under construction for multiple phases of buildings and unit finishing she will be handling sales and finish coordination. Her permanent role will be working at the clubhouse for all of the members to use for party and event coordination, personal assistant work, scheduling and planning, community complex events and concierge services for the members. We also will have this person cover maintenance requests and fulfilling all the property upkeep service with vendors.
37. I can't afford a larger unit, are you going to offer any smaller, cheaper units later?
G.O.T.A: Future phases include may include a very small quantity of small units. We initially had many smaller units in our plans, however there was little interest in smaller units which was funny given many other competitor complexes offer very small (598-980-1500 square foot single story units). Simple supply and demand though, if you have interest in a smaller, cheaper unit in the future buildout of phases, send us an email so we know there is interest at We might include some smaller, less expensive units in later phases.
38. Can I park and store my commercial vehicles inside my condos for my business or storage?
G.O.T.A: No you may not. The garage condos cannot be used to park and store commercial vehicles with multiple drivers in and out of the complex.
39. What is available for epoxy flooring for my unit?
G.O.T.A: We have already selected a preferred epoxy floor partner.
40. How are the stairs and 2nd stories built?
G.O.T.A: They are full steel constructed re-enforced heavy steel and integrated with the building overall design. They are not wooden nor one of the warehouse kits you can install from the internet or that you see in other complexes owners have had to buy and get installed themself. Owners can apply carpet, tile or wood to their 2nd story floor on top of a solid floor that is standard. Our staircases are also steel, powder coated black, enclosed treads and risers and diamond plated design. The railings for the stairs and your 2nd story are poweder coated black stainless steel cable rail system. Price that sometime. Yes standard :) Glass stair railings and 2nd story rails are available as an owner upgrade.
41. Can I grow medical marijuana now or in the future in my unit?
G.O.T.A: No not now or at any time ever in the future. This is already restricted in the A.O.A doucments. There are otehr restrictions on the list of approved uses for the complex units. You can't grow anything in your unit for that matter without approval from the G.O.A.
42. How will insurance be handled?
G.O.T.A: The A.O.A will carry a complex wide insurance policy and liability policy for all building exteriors and all common elements and common areas including the ChillOut Clubhouse that will be shared by all owners. Individual unit owners will be required to carry an insurance policy that covers their own unit, any interior improvements and their contents. More information will be available soon on this including a preferred insurance partner that will have discounted insurance packages available for our owner/members.
43 How are taxes paid and how are they assessed?
G.O.T.A: The A.O.A as part of fees collected will pay property taxes on all the common elements and common areas and land of the property. Individual owners will be responsible for their property tax for their unit as designated by Travis County like any other commerical property. The units are all commercial deeded units and assessments will be based on county tax rates and mill rate at the current point in time.
44. Can I live in a RV parked inside my unit or on the property somewhere?
G.O.T.A: No you may not. The units are not residential property and not designed for full-time living arrangements. No RV's will be parked and lived in within the complex either.
45. How are common elements and common areas and parking in front of my unit handled during scheduled hosted events on the G.O.A calendar?
G.O.T.A: Events will occasionally be held in support of the our garage condo community. As an owner during these events you will have the ability to block off the parking spaces in front f your unit(s) prior to a scheduled event for your own personal use. If you do not plan to attend and use your space, the spaces in front of your unit will be used for the event only during the scheduled event times. Electronic notices will be sent out polling owners to see if they will be attending an event. If you are, we will block the parking area in front of your unit. All other times when events are not going on the complex should only have owners/members in the complex that should as a matter of kindness and common sense not park in front of your neighbors garage condo. If a gold Yugo is in front of your unit when you arrive, come find me and ask me to move :)
46. Can I make alterations to the outside of my unit - like a window.
G.O.T.A: No you cannot make alterations to the ouside of your unit, ever. It is commoon area technially owned by all unit owners in the complex. This is specifically restricted in the A.O.A documents. (2) windows are provided standard on each front of the unit. This includes a 4x4 window above your entry door and a 2 x the width of your garage door (12 or 14'). There are also some end units that will have an owner upgrade option to add windows to the side of their unit and unit owners in buildings, 4, 5, 6 will also be able to add windows to the read of their units. There are also a very small number of end units that may be able to add a patio and/or small balcony to their unit.
46b: What about roof penetrations?
G.O.T.A: Never, ever. We actually made the decision to install standing seam roofs on all the buildings. This means there are zero screws in the roof. You won't be the first. This was an expensive option we chose to prevent water leaks that are comomon on buildings of this size that have hundreds of screw per roof side when you don't use standing seam roofs.
46c: What about insulation? What are the ratings?
G.O.T.A: Upgraded this also complex wide. R43 in the roof (yes really), R30 in the exterior walls (yes really) and R19 walls between the units (yes really). Compare that to other complexes, or just ask about it, we dare you ;)
47. Pets - Are they allowed in the complex and in the clubhouse?
G.O.T.A: The A.O.A documents have a section that covers this, dogs permitted. Leashed always. Dogs with the exception of service animals are not allowed inside the clubhouse at any time.
48. Are the buildings going to be named?
G.O.T.A: Yes. They are going to be named after racetracks (other than Circuit Of The Americas ™ )
49 The fire lanes/drive lanes that are marked - can I park in them?
G.O.T.A; Nope never. Just like any other fire lane you should not park your unattended vehicle in them ever. The fire department has been terrific to work with thus far on our now approved fire permitting. They will come to visit and inspect and we don't need to tick them off.
50. Who is going to have the coolest unit? I mean AC :)
G.O.T.A: I don't know, maybe it is you? By while we are at it, our standard, included AC/Heat is a mini split system with a 60,000 BTU condenser planned with 42,000 BTU installed with the ability to add another large unit or (2) smaller ones. Compare that to other complexes :)
51b: Can I have a stripper pole?
G.O.T.A: I don't know, can you?
51c: Can I have a glass panel in the 2nd story floor between the floor joists so you can see downstairs?
G.O.T.A: I don't know, can you?
51d: Can I have a fire man pole?
G.O.T.A: Nope this one you can't really.
52. Are you guys planning to build another complex after this one?
G.O.T.A: God I hope not :) No plans to at all. UPDATE: 11/1/24 - Well I guess never say never.....
53. How did this idea start?
G.O.T.A: We own a race team that races all across the country and we also do a lot of club racing as well. We kept seeing garage condos pop up at race tracks we visited and we loved them! In 2020 we visited Road America and there were 2 complexes there outside the front gate within a mile and we drove through them on a Thursday night and said out loud we should build some of these near the circuit in Austin. Within minutes of driving thru the complexes we sat down at Rt. 66 bar and grill for some eats and cold beveridges and lo and behold Chris Taylor was at the other end of the room. I remembered Chris owned property near the circuit so I went over to talk to him about our idea and if he may be interested. He was and we agreed to meet in Austin when we all got back. We were back home on a Monday/Tuesday and by Thursday just 1 week later with some crude sketches in hand we had a handshake deal between the 3 of us to acquire the property and build him a new bigger building as the exclusive on site service shop/automotive repair, performance parts install, prep shop, racing store and transport service provider. 1 week after that our feasibility study was underway. The rest is history. Thank Chris when you get a chance, this wasn't possible without his vision as well as ours.
54. Someone else has a name similar to yours, or yours is similar to theirs. Are you the same company or affiliated?
G.O.T.A: No we are not. They are a terrific outfit and have built a lot of complexes already in Texas with a lot more planned, particularly in the Dallas and Houston areas and are branching outside of Texas. We have done some information sharing with each other and are friendly and will remain so.
55. Is it true your deposit is like $100,000 or $150,000 and then we have to pay as we go when it is being built?
G.O.T.A: Nope that isn't us. That is another complex(es) and we have also heard that as well, but that isn't us. Our deposit is very small and you pay your balance at closing just like any other real estate transaction. Deposit is fully refundable if you change your mind also.
56. Is the deposit refundable?
G.O.T.A: Yes. Our reservation allows in section 15 that a "prospective buyer may back out of their unit reservation for any reason up until 60 days before closing" at which time that same small deposit becomes non-refundable. That is because we might be making custom changes you want to your unit.
56a. Follow up: That seems very reasonable. We think so. Is that standard elsewhere? Nope, not at all.
57. "Hey I heard that at the GOTA complex, only you guys, the developers can do the finish out or customization or the interior of units. That sounds expensive, and I heard it is hundreds of thousands of dollars to do that, please say it isn't true for G.O.T.A?"
G.O.T.A: Um nope, isn't true here, not true at G.O.T.A. You have us confused with another complex(es). We agree that sounds really expensive for sure. We believe owners should have the flexibility to design their units however they desire and shop around to use whomever they can get what they are looking for at a price that makes sense. The developers at G.O.T.A decided long ago to stay out of the markup game on interior finishing. Different strokes for different folks. While we like the profit idea, we actually would love to see the entire complex be full of owners will individual creative touches and finishes, not cookie cutter designs. We will though make some plans available for buyers to start with.
58.. "I was shopping around at another complex, but I want to run my business out of my unit but another place doesn't allow that". Does GOTA?
G.O.T.A: Yes of course! They are commerically deeded units afterall. We do have some built in restrictions for businesses, but generally the answer is yes as long as they do not take public traffic and are not on the restrictions list.
59. "I am very excited about GOTA and I and trying to save up to purchase a unit. Why are your units less expensive than everyone else? Are they not as nice?"
G.O.T.A: Our units are nicer than any we have seen thus far. And our standard features, what comes with the unit in terms of features are second to none. If you actually do your own homework you will find this yourself. Start with 2nd stories in terms of size, placement and height ;) There are reasons when it comes to 2nd stories why ours are better - ours are more expensive to do the way we are doing them. We decided very early on to price units as affordable because we are nice guys. Could we have priced them much higher? Of course. But we want to build a real community of enthusiasts and people that are friendly and hang with each other, not a walled off place for trophy owned units. The vicinity we thinks brings us together. The complex shouldn't then push apart. We also don't have a team of investors to satisfy pricing them way up maket. Simply said our bills to pay are ours, not others we are accountable to. Lastly, our advertised unit size
60. I heard you guys may have a building that does concierge parking of individual cars for a day, week, month, year?
G.O.T.A: That is true and already in our plans, stay tuned.
61. Celebrity buyers?
G.O.T.A Of course, we think we are celebrities anyway. But aside from us, the answer is yes.
62. Are you going to build another complex after this one?
G.O.T.A: Not in a million years. The permitting process has aged one of us enough that doing another one will not happen. We only ever wanted to do this one and done. Update: Well never say never, we are looking at something now that if it happens will be reasone nough to be an owner at our complex (update 11/1/24).
63. Are there other cool announcements for people that are going to own units in the complex? If so, can you share them?
G.O.T.A: Yes there are. No we can't yet, soon tiger, soon.
64: Is it true that the owners/developers are race team owners? Someone told me a story that you guys that were building this place were actual racers and you owned your own race teams. If that is true, wow that is cool.
G.O.T.A: 100 percent true story and we think that is pretty cool too. You should ask yourself would you rather own a unit from a developer like that - or a suit and tie or teams of people in high rises downtown? Have you not seen the owners mad dozer skills? True story. Also worth noting, the actual property the complex is being built on also belonged to a 2nd generation big time racer and team owner also. Lastly our broker is a racer himself and race team owner and and agent handling our complex is also very active in the car community in Austin!
65. A friend told me that you guys are going to have a bunch of driving simulators in the clubhouse with people in suits and ties and ladies in dresses walking around and lots of champagne?
G.O.T.A: The driving simulator part might just be true, including leagues and our complex resident pro will be available for coaching. The rest- nope not true, wrong complex. Well that is unless you are bringing all the champagne..
66. Why aren't you guys having a pool?
G.O.T.A: Have you owned a pool before :) We think our complex isn't about suits, ties, champagne and a pool that hardly anyone will use and are expensive to maintain and have owners insure and keep under their monthly maintenance fee. We also think our complex is about cars and recreational vehicles, not about a pool, and grey poupon. Honestly though, we did think about having a pool back when we were designing our complex but our sample group of pre-buyers told us they would never use it. So we felt it would be a wasteful expense that was underutilitized. We also were asked how we would keep sweaty people from jumping in the pool after a long day at an event or track day etc. We decided people should shower, not jump in the pool :) We also were worried about children unmonitored in the pool area with no lifeguard. If you really want a pool, we will include a plastic one you can pull outside your unit and fill up and cousin Eddie can come use it also :O
66. "I have been told all kinds of cool stuff about you guys, your complex and stuff that will be part of the complex. Is all that stuff true? If so, how exciting!
G.O.T.A: Well you weren't specific, but since we are pretty cool, I am sure all that is 100 percent true of our complex! So become a part of the cool kids club! #itcouldbeyou
67. Why are you guys doing stepped pricing and if that is correct, will future phases be more expensive?
G.O.T.A: To reward people that commit to us early. That simple. Our units WILL get more expensive as we build each phase, that is true.
68. Now that construction has started can we stop by and say hello and look at stuff?
G.O.T.A: Yes, just in get in contact with us so we can coordinate, but absolutely. And be ready to put on a hardhat, protective glasses, hearing protection and a bright safety vest. Oh and bring a good bottle of booze with you! Ok booze not required. Cases of beer or soda fine also :)
69. Phase 1 and 2 are sold out?
G.O.T.A - Yes. Long ago. Like in 2022 :) Phase 3 is nearly sold out.
70. Why have your units sold out and other complexes haven't?
G.O.T.A - Hmm lots of answers to this. I think you would have to ask the other guys. However, all the complexes across the entire US are difference and offer different amenities and features. But our hunch is our proximity to the big race track helps a lot. But also saavy shoppers have seen that our pricing is as much as 1/2 the price of 1 complex, and lower than the others also. But more importanly despite the lowest pricing, our units are VERY well equipped. If you are shopping for a unit, pay attention to what is included and what isn't. We are NOT gaming the system to generate a bunch of additional revenue or playing hide and seek with features - "oh you want a switch to control that light" let me ask cousin Eddie what that costs.... We have not cut corners on our complex or units for profits.
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Pre-sales for Phase 3 now being accepted including prime units near the ChillOut clubhouse. Introductory pricing about to end!
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